We check and plan all the details of the construction project so that the construction runs smoothly and without errors.
We implement
We dig, install, and restore district heating pipelines. We offer the construction of boiler houses and gas systems throughout the entire process - from obtaining a building permit to applying for an occupancy permit.
We guarantee
… That we always adhere to the agreed deadlines, and our work is of high quality.

About us
Our people are real masters in their field - experienced, trained, and their knowledge has been recognized as worthy of all the necessary certificates. Our people apply their rich knowledge with ``German precision and Estonian perseverance`` to build top-class gas infrastructures. Thanks to them, the Tartal Group is today one of the most reliable companies in the Livonian and Estonian provinces.
Give us the gas, and we'll put it in the pipe, right at the speed and in the direction as currently needed!
km of gas pipelines
km of district heating pipelines
construction of boiler houses
heating systems
Major projects of Tartal Group
District heating construction
Year | Client | Object | length m |
2020 | Merko Ehitus AS | Tallinn, Lahekalda arenduse soojatorustik | 1404 |
2019 | Põlva Soojus | Põlva, Kesk, Roosi, Lina tn. KKT | 1350 |
2018 | Fund Ehitus AS | Tallinn, Kopli liinide KKT | 1280 |
2018 | Põlva Soojus | Põlva Linn Lina piirkonna soojatorustiku rek | 850 |
2017 | Põlva Soojus | Põlva linn Käisi ja Tuglase tn. soojatorustiku rek. | 520 |
2017 | Danpower | Võru, Seminari-Koidula tn. | 480 |
2017 | Fund Ehitus AS | Tallinna Vangla soojatorustik | 1100 |
2016 | Ehitustrust AS | Kääriku Spordikompleks | 310 |
2016 | Põlva Soojus | Põlva linn Võru, Tuglase, Piiri, Mammaste tn. torustike rek. | 500 |
2016 | Gabariit OÜ | Tallinn, Läänemere 2b soojatorustik | 100 |
2015 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu Riia-Karjamaa tn. soojatorustik | 505 |
2015 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu Kesklinna piirkonna soojatorustik | 580 |
2015 | Embach Eesti | Luhamaa Piiripunkt | 320 |
2014 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu, Lai tn. Soojatorustik | 330 |
2015 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu, Vana-Sauga soojatorustik | 400 |
2013 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu, Suur-Jõe Tammsaare pst. küttetorustik | 200 |
2012 | Skanska EMV | Saku linn soojatorustik | 2200 |
2012 | Skanska EMV | Tartu Veevärk soojatorustik | 390 |
2011 | Hoonete Ehitus OÜ | Imavere Saekaatri soojatorustik | 220 |
2010 | Sanserv | Haapsalu ,Mulla tn. Soojatorustik | 230 |
2009 | Sanserv | Kunda I etapp soojatorustik montaaz | 200 |
2008 | Sanserv | Laagri Männimetsa soojatorustik montaaz | 420 |
Gas pipelines
Year | Client | Object | length m |
2019 | Raadimõisa Gaas | Tartu vald, Raadimõisa gaasitorustik | 500 |
2017 | Raadimõisa Gaas | Ülenurve vald, Räniküla gaasitorustik | 2210 |
2017 | Energate OÜ | Tallinn, Kotermaa-Moonalao tn. gaasitorustik | 1200 |
2016 | Energate OÜ | Rae vald, Tallinn Vangla gaasitoru | 1600 |
2016 | TTK Investeeringud | Tartu, Riia 2 Kvartal kaubanduskeskuse gaas | 285 |
2014 | Adven AS | Jüri ABB gaasitorustik | 2000 |
2014 | Averson AS | Loode Pärnu tööstuspargi gaasitorustik | 600 |
2013 | Adven AS | Rae vald, Rukki tee gaasitorustik | 1200 |
2013 | Lemminkäinen | Tallinnn-Pärnu mnt. TOP tunneli gaasitorustik | 300 |
2013 | Fortum Eesti | Pärnu Lao tn.8 gaasitorustik | 700 |
2012 | KMG Inseneriehitus | Vinni biogaasitorustik | 1460 |
2011 | Energate OÜ | Harjumaa, Laia küla gaasitorustik | 1600 |
2010 | Skanska EMV | Futura tööstuspark, Vaivara vald | 2000 |
2009 | Fortum Termest | Pärnu Soojuselektrijaam | 300 |
2008 | Averson OÜ | Pärnu-Sauga-Audru gaasitorustik | 4000 |
Boiler houses and heating systems
Year | Client | Object | length m |
2020 | Põlva Soojus | Põlva Vabriku tn. konteinerkatlamaja | 1.2MW |
2016 | Merko Ehitus AS | Tallinn, Kaeravälja 3 Bauhouse kaubanduskeskuse gaasikatlamaja | 900kw |
2016 | Astlanda OÜ | Rae vald, Uus-Kasemetsa ETK Logistikakeskuse gaasikatlamaja | 600kw |
2014/15 | Nordecon AS | Võru Seminari 1 Riigi gümnaasiumi küte | 560kw |
2014/15 | Ehitus Viis OÜ | Tartu, Tehnika 8 tootmishoone küte | 300kw |
2013 | Skanska AS | Tartu Reoveejaama tootmishoonete küte | 500kw |
2012 | Ard Ernits | Tallinn Kodu tn.6 kortermaja küte | 60kw |
2011 | Vändra Tarbjateühistu | Vändra Konsumi hoone küte | 300kw |
2010 | MTÜ Lootus | Põlva ,Piiri tn. FC Lootus klubihoone küte | 400kw |
2009 | Trump Metall OÜ | Sangla turbajaam | |
2008 | Nordecon AS | Tartu v. Vahi k. Altio Invest tootmishoone küte | 1MW |

Our hardworking, experienced team

Viljar Kapp
Manager | +372 5159 457

Sten Kaber
Gas works project manager | +372 5138 398